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Cerificate In Construction



The NEBOSH Construction Certificate is a highly regarded qualification in the construction industry that provides you with a sound level of knowledge and practical skill-set as a duty holder in this high risk sector. It demonstrates stage 1 competence (outlined in ACoP) showing a committment to effective health and safety management.



The NEBOSH Construction Certificate is aimed at those working in construction, civil engineering, utilities, property management, broadcasting and other sectors. It is suitable for managers, supervisors and CDM Coordinators.


NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety.

Course Details

Who Attends?
The NEBOSH National Construction Certificate is aimed at Supervisors, Managers and those with a role under the Construction Design and Management regulations 2015 within the construction industry who are required to ensure that activities under their control are undertaken safely. It is likely to prove useful for those concerned with the management of buildings who may need to ensure that contractors are working safely. The qualification is also appropriate for supervisors and managers working in other industries such as utilities, and even broadcasting, where temporary workplaces are a feature of their activities.
The Aim?

The NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety is established as a leading health and safety award for the construction industry, with over 12,000 successful candidates since 1989.

The NEBOSH Construction Certificate covers the main legal requirements for safety in the UK, whilst identifying and ensuring awareness of a range of workplace hazards, including methods of control specific to construction activities.

It is designed to cover general health and safety issues within a construction context, as well as placing emphasis on the specific construction issues that make the industry amongst the most dangerous in which to work.

Course Content

• Foundations in health and safety policy and organisation
• Promoting a positive health and safety culture
• Risk assessment and principles of control
• Monitoring, review and audit
• Incident and accident investigation and reporting
• Construction law and management
• Management and controlling hazards in construction activities.

Methods Used

Two Mock Days and Two Examination Test Days.

Additional Information

13 Days Teaching.


NEBOSH Certificate.


Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire.


Please get in touch for dates – 08433 301236.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!

“Excellent customer service, extremely knowledgeable and really helpful in responding to training queries. We would definitely recommend CMT”

Marie, Riteweld Engineering

“The training went very well, at a good steady pace throughout. I had excellent support which without I wouldn’t have got through the course.On various courses with different training providers, I never got this level of support throughout and even felt neglected at times.

The Fulbourn centre has excellent facilities which were great to learn and develop in.”

Dale, Bouygues

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